Can girls you meet on FreeFuckSite teach you about higher truths?
You’re probably laughing about the title of this blog post. Think about it, mixing higher truths like philosophy, spirituality, and higher states of being with a fuckbuddy – I mean, come on? You’re probably rolling your eyes, laughing, and probably are ready to close the window of your browser. Well, not so fast.
If you think about it, whenever you’re dealing with somewhat awkward sexual situations, it can be an opportunity to enter a gateway to deeper levels of self-understanding. If you’ve ever asked yourself why you were put on this plant or what the meaning of life is, I can tell you the answer. The answer is very simple. It is self-exploration. That’s the bottom line.
I’m not talking about physical self-exploration, although that’s a part of the equation. It’s mostly a spiritual self-exploration. In other words, you need to look at the world through your eyes, and look to patterns for it to make sense and truly get the fact that things happen for a reason. Things aren’t as random as they may seem. Things aren’t as pointless as you’ve been lead to believe.
It’s very tempting, if you’re a lazy thinker, to think that there’s really no rhyme or reason to human existence, but the only person you’re fooling if you think that way is yourself. You have to understand that there is some sort of reason, but it’s different for other people because the phenomenon changes depending on who’s doing the looking. This is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
You have to figure out your own conclusions and judgments. That’s what makes all of this exciting. This is what makes the human condition and human experience so exhilarating. It’s a personal thing. The problem is this is also the reason why it’s so frustrating for a lot of people because – let’s face it, most people are lazy. Most people would rather be fed some sort of higher truth that somebody else figured out. I hope you can see why this is pointless and stupid.
Think about it, does it make sense for you to eat by having somebody chew your food and spit it into your mouth? Not only is it disgusting, but it also defeats the whole purpose of eating the first place. Eating is not just for nourishment. Eating is not just meeting some sort of daily caloric quota. It’s something more than that. It’s about enjoying your food. It’s about having a relationship with your food. Do you see where I’m coming from with this?
What does this have to do with live adult entertainment like on a free fuck site? Actually, it has everything to do with it because when you’re put in any kind of awkward social situation, this is an opportunity for you to confront your lazy biases and really figure out how your perceptions work. Part of the reason why most people have a rough time with entertainment involving a fuckbuddy is because they have all these biases and misconceptions regarding these performers. These biases get in the way of them having a good time.
If you’re able to overcome these biases, just as when you interact with foreigners or people from different cultures, this is one step in the right direction towards greater personal enlightenment. I hope you can see the big picture. I hope you can see how these different small opportunities can lead to small wins that lead to you solving bigger puzzles in your quest for higher truth.